Power Boost for Dragon Ball’s ULTRA Characters: UL Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken Goku and LL Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta Enhanced with Unique Fragments
- ULTRA characters, UL Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken Son Goku and LL Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta, have been strengthened with unique fragments.
- UL Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken Son Goku is a less popular character among ULTRA characters, but this update is expected to improve his performance.
- LL Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta has already undergone ZENKAI Awakening, and this update further enhances his abilities.
- The unique fragment “Haaa!!” is obtained from the Strongest Fragment Collection. It requires characters from the “Super Saiyan God SS & Super Universe Survival Saga.” Both the latest LL Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta and Kaioken Son Goku can equip it, but the third slot has a Yellow (YEL) exclusive effect, so it may not be suitable for them.
- Equipping the fragment increases basic strike and blast attack power and further boosts damage dealt by 20%, significantly increasing firepower.
- This update strengthens the Universe Representative Party, which includes the latest LL Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta and Kaioken Son Goku.
- Kaioken Son Goku has various abilities, such as reducing enemy’s ki by 70 on hit with Special Arts, discarding enemy’s Special Arts on hit with Blast Arts, nullifying flinching for 3 counts with Ultimate Arts, nullifying special cover change with Main Ability for 30 counts, recovering unique gauge to maximum with full vanish gauge (5 times), recovering unique gauge with ki charge, reducing enemy’s draw speed on entry (10 counts), sealing strike arts when facing an enemy (2 counts), and allowing special cover change and ultimate attack follow-up with strike arts.
- Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta nullifies attribute disadvantage when enemy revival is triggered, reduces enemy’s Dragon Balls by 2, allows special cover change and ultimate attack follow-up with blast arts, discards enemy’s hand and draws a Special Arts card on cover change, recovers vanish gauge to maximum when defeating an enemy, nullifies special cover change with Main Ability, nullifies flinching with Ultimate Arts, nullifies attribute disadvantage with Special Arts, seals enemy’s blast arts on hit with Special Arts.