New Dragon Ball Legends Event: Legends Step-Up – Everyone’s Wishes, Earth’s Cry – Introduces LL Goku and SPARKING Pan: Trunks & Gill!
- The new gacha “LEGENDS STEP-UP – Everyone’s Wish, Earth’s Cry -” is now available in the app game “Dragon Ball Legends”.
- The gacha features the new LEGENDS LIMITED character “Son Goku (DBL67-01S)” and the SPARKING character “Pan: Trunks & Gill (Assist) (DBL67-02S)”.
- The first half of the gacha period offers double the Z Power and a 20% chance of getting SPARKING characters.
- Collect “Gacha Coins [Everyone’s Wish, Earth’s Cry]” throughout the entire gacha period to exchange for various rewards, including Z Power for “Son Goku (DBL67-01S)” and Gacha Tickets.
- “Son Goku (DBL67-01S)” has high defensive abilities, with the ability to recover HP when attacked by enemy Arts or after enemy attacks. He also has a unique gauge that enhances his Special Move Arts, Ultimate Arts, and Main Ability when maxed.
- “Pan: Trunks & Gill (Assist) (DBL67-02S)” is a powerful attacker who can unleash strong firepower from the beginning of battles. She activates effects such as a 90% damage increase and increased Arts Card draw speed when entering the field. When there are three battle members, she also nullifies the enemy’s Special Cover Change (10 counts).
- A “Legends Festival Thank You!! Login Bonus” event is also being held, offering various rewards for logging in during the specified period.